Bookings close 3 Oct 2021.

Maximum 20 participants only. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

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Cultural Professionals - a special 7-week course with philosopher Nikos Patedakis, Ph.D*

Course Dates: plus orientation week 4 Oct. - 29 Nov. 2021

Each week participants will have access to video lessons that can be engaged independently. There will be weekly group meetings via Zoom on MONDAYS 7 pm Irish/ UK time – for valuable peer learning and networking with other cultural workers across the world.

* A recommended follow-on course led by Nikos Patedakis for those who enjoyed the ecologically-oriented philosophy and consciousness practices of the Haumea Ecoliteracy Course.

Key outcome for you

will be a perceived evolution of your creative practice and your spiritual/philosophical life, including a fuller integration of creativity and your spiritual path/philosophy of life and deeper insight into the nature of philosophy/spirituality.

The course will offer the possibility for long-term changes in your creative practice that enhance your work and your well-being while opening up new possibilities for healing yourself and the world at this unprecedented historical moment.

The instructor for this course is nikos patedakis, ph.d. 

Click HERE for instructor bio

Watch Intro Video

An introduction to Creativity as an Act of Love

A 7-week self-paced online course for artists and anyone at all seeking to get in touch with the inherent creativity and healing capacity of mind and world.

Learn to cultivate the mind of beauty, the mind of wisdom, and the mind of love in ways that will transform your life and your art. Unlike so many online courses, this course comes with up to 2 hours of one-on-one mentoring/coaching, in addition to weekly group meetings and online course materials. Group meetings will be kept small enough that we can enjoy fruitful dialogue and a genuine sense of community. Group zoom will be 60-90 minutes, starting at 7pm Irish/UK time on Monday 6 Sept.
Nikos Patedakis, with horse

Pricing options

We offer a fee scale to accommodate peoples' situations. Thank you for choosing the rate that best suits you and helps sustain our programme.

If you are being sponsored for this course for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), the rate is our sustaining rate at €259.

Please note, there is special option to get 2 hours of one-on-one instruction/coaching with Nikos, in addition to weekly group meetings and online course materials.

Watch Intro Video

Cultivating the mind of beauty, love and wisdom

Learn to cultivate the mind of beauty, the mind of wisdom, and the mind of love in ways that will transform your life and your art.

The course opens 4 Oct with an orientation week. Our first group Zoom meeting is Monday 11 Oct. 21 at 7 pm Irish/UK time

A seven-week course for cultural professionals and anyone at all seeking to get in touch with the inherent creativity and healing capacity of mind and world.

  • This course meets as a group each Monday to reflect the weeks learning.

    There is the option to get 2 hours of one-on-one instruction/coaching, in addition to weekly group meetings and online course materials.

    Group meetings will be kept small enough that we can enjoy fruitful dialogue and a genuine sense of community.

  • Week 1. Orientation to the course. The real meaning of philosophy, for you as an artist and as a human being, and why philosophy as LoveWisdom has been even more marginalized than art. How we can cultivate the mind of beauty, the mind of love, and the mind of wisdom altogether, as part of healing and rejuvenating ourselves and the world.

  • Week 2. This week will provide you with an introduction to the four core skills of art and life, and the structure of all experience. You will learn how to begin working with these skills and this structure in ways that can immediately enhance your experience of making art.

  • Week 3. Learn about love as a path of creativity, including the Six Facets of Love, and how to apply these to your life and art. We will also cover the Seven Factors of Creativity (all of them spiritual/philosophical in nature), and how you can cultivate them. You will also learn the Creative Audience process so that you can give and receive better feedback on your artistic work.

  • Week 4. The central spiritual problem for artists, along with the basic psychological problem. We will look at a core archetypal image, and learn how to work with the shadow of our personal and collective psyche in order to s of maturation. An artist can become not only a visionary, but also a true elder, and even a sage.

  • Week 5. Creating and living by means of nondoing. Learn how to cultivate the skill of nondoing and how to relate to perception as a skill by means of the Four Foundations of Art and Liberation.

  • Week 6. How to face the unknown, how to work with unknowing, how to enter not-knowing, and how not-knowing leads to greater intimacy in art and life.

  • Week 7. We will mainly use this week to resolve some of the questions that will have come up in your journey through the course, and we will engage in the creative audience process, if we haven't done so already.


“"The 'Creativity as an Act of Love' course with Nikos shares similar challenges, joy, intimacy and honesty to the Haumea Ecoliteracy course. It also helped me reframe my own philosophy, not only in facing the Ecologic and biodiversity challenges ahead but with deeper explorations into compassion, dangerous philosophies and a range of practical tools. Nikos' depth of knowledge, patience and humour has created another valuable path for exploration. Its a path that offers a lifetime of discovery yet with immediate and measurable benefits.' Tom Duffy, sculptor, musician and educator - Ireland”

Tom Duffy: socially-engaged artist, art facilitator, visual and percussive artist, Ireland


answers to your questions below

  • How much time will this take?

    2-6 hours per week. A total of 7 weeks of content, connecting and sharing.

    It is a self-paced course – you can dive deep or skim the surface and still find great benefit.

    MONDAYS (7 PM IRISH/UK TIME) are when the course instructor hosts the live group learning sessions. You will also get so much more out of the course by joining us for the weekly Live Group Meetings—that is when the learning will really come alive, and you will get a chance to meet new friends and colleagues who can expand the ecology of mind, bringing mutual insight and inspiration.

    We highly recommend setting aside a specific time each week, after new material becomes available each TUESDAY, to go through the weekly module lesson.

    The course material is also available to access for TWO months after the course ends.

  • What if I'm busy?

    You will be notified each week by email when next week's module lesson is available.

    You will have a week to view videos, read and listen to other resources and time to complete short and simple exercises. That means there is plenty of time to do your homework and to prepare yourself for the Live Group Meetings a week later!

    The course material is also available to access for TWO months after the course ends.

  • What do I need?

    An Internet connection, and a computer with a camera and audio to join the online (Zoom) meetings and to view the course video material.

    It is not advised to use a mobile phone to take this course.

    Also, your presence and commitment. You will gain more if you participate more. The group meetings, where we can listen and hear how others interpret the learnings, are the special magic sauce for appreciating the value of ecoliteracy.

    We tend to develop an ecology of mind among participants as we move through the weeks.

  • What technology platforms will we use?

    Each weekly module contains videos, reading resources, practices and occasional, optional written exercises. The weekly LIVE Group meeting will be done over Zoom. A weekly email will sent to keep you up to speed.

    At the end of the course, you can submit a short piece of writing that incorporates some of the course ideas– either an artist's statement, ideas in process, creative writing etc., and receive written feedback from the course instructor.

  • What if the course doesn't suit me?

    Because we want you to be completely happy with your decision, we will let you test-drive and evaluate the Haumea course for 14 days. Enroll today.

    If the course doesn’t suit, let us know before the 14 days are up and we'll return 100% of your money back—no questions asked (although because this is a unique course, we'd really love feedback).

  • Is remote learning good value?

    Our Haumea Online course tuition fees are much lower than what you would have to pay a traditional educational institute—if you could find such courses elsewhere. Our students have found this material to be both rare and valuable.

    As with any good educational experience, you will get tremendous benefits from our expertise.

    Education is not a matter of information exchange. From that more limited perspective, our courses contain a great deal of information that would require a lot of time and many headaches for you to gather alone. But, more than that, we offer experience—not only our experience of working with these ways of knowing, being, living, loving, and creating, but also our experience at fostering insight and inspiration.

    You will find our courses an empowering investment in yourself and your creative work.

  • I live in a different timezone - advice to join the weekly LIVE group meetings

    Check the time of the Live Group Meeting in your region– see

    Please check to make sure the Live Group Meeting time will work for you, before you book!

Haumea Online offers holistic transformative learning

Transformative learning for a life-sustaining worldview and sustainable cultural renewal – involves the head, heart and hands

UNESCO recognises advances in education for sustainable development (ESD) through lifelong, transformative learning, which advances the necessary understanding, experiential, contemplative and embodied practices for individual, collective and planetary, and wellbeing.

'At the Transformative Learning Centre in Adult Education (Toronto), transformative learning is defined as the experience of a deep, structural shift in basic premises of thought, feelings and actions. It is a shift in consciousness that dramatically and irreversibly alters our way of being in the world.

“Such a shift involves our understanding of ourselves and our self- locations, our relationships with human beings and the natural world; our understandings of relations of power in interlocking structures of class, race, gender; our body awareness; our visions of alternative approaches to living; and our sense of possibilities for social justice and peace and personal joy” (O'Sullivan 2002; p.xvii).

In other words this is a shift toward embodied ecological consciousness. Transformation is used here in the sense gleaned from systems theory.'

–Eimear O'Neill, In: Radical Human Ecology (2012, Routledge)

Begin the journey into the mind of beauty.

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Haumea Online Scholarship Donation Fund

Want to support the arts? Help creatives in any art discipline become more wise and confident in engaging in the most pressing ecosocial issues of our time?

We welcome donations to help creatives in need join our courses.

Thank you!

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Haumea is Earth Goddess of fire and creation in the Pacific, who across voyaging and time, became the male God of harvest, in Aotearoa New Zealand, where Cathy Fitzgerald was born.

Haumea is also the first Indigenous name given to a dwarf planet discovered in our solar system in 2004.

Some say the discovery of Haumea corresponds to awakening planetary ecological consciousness and a renewed interest in other non-Western cultures’ more life-sustaining world views.